Castlewood Country Club Wedding { Rebeca + Michael }

Castlewood Country Club Wedding { Rebeca + Michael }

Yesterday was a perfect warm day in Pleasanton for the wedding celebration of Michael and Rebeca at the gorgeous Castlewood Country Club in Pleasanton.  Rebeca and the ladies dressed and primped at the lavish and quaint Rose Hotel. That staircase there is really fantastic and make for some eye-catching portraits of the gorgeous bride

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Michael and his men were so much fun to work with! They helped produce some fun and vibrant images full of the life and personality of each of them. Thanks, men!

The first dance featured a special unique touch created by EliteDJ with dry ice and was called “dancing on a cloud”. This was a first for me to photograph and I absolutely LOVED the idea!

DJ: Greg at EliteDJ

Flowers: The Little Flower Shop

Cake: Primrose Bakery



Brooke and Craig Get Married

What an absolutely gorgeous day for Brooke and Craig! We were all blessed with incredibly great weather (@80 degrees) for this lovely March day. Brooke and Craig were married at the lovely Brazilian Room in Tilden Park, Berkeley

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Thanks to Serves You Right Catering for a fabulous meal and Jason at Quantum Music Event Planners for some terrific hosting and dj services!